Altar Guild We have a very active Altar Guild at Saint Anselm. Our Altar Guild is open to all members of the congregation by invitation from the Rector, and training is available for all new members. The Altar Guild serves God by preparing the altar area for all services (including Sunday and weekday eucharists, weddings and funerals) and is responsible for general care of the altar area. Liturgical Ministers We have a multitude of liturgical ministries available at Saint Anselm. All members of the congregation of all ages are encouraged to participate in our liturgical ministry. Training is given for all ministries. These ministries include: 1. Lectors: Those who read the lessons and lead the psalm. 2. Cross bearers: Those who carry the cross during liturgical movement. 3. Torch bearers: Those who carry the torches. 4. Candle lighters: Those who light the candles before and extinguish them after each service. 5. Litanists: Those who read the Prayers of the People during the service. 6. Servers: Those who set the altar at the Holy Communion and ring the sanctus bells. 7. Chalice bearers: Those who serve the chalice during the Holy Communion. 8. Oblationists: Those who bring forward the eucharistic elements during the offertory. 9. Ushers: Those who welcome the worshippers, hand out bulletins, find seats for worshippers, and are responsible for receiving the monetary offering. 10. Acolytes: In general, someone who serves at the altar. At Saint Anselm, acolytes receive the eucharistic elements and monetary offering from the oblationists and the ushers and present these offerings to the celebrant. The Choir We have a very fine and extremely active choir which from the first week in September through Trinity Sunday sings for the 10:15 AM Sunday service and for all high holy days such as Christmas, Maundy Thursday, etc. The choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM. They sing music in many styles from ancient chant to prayer and praise tunes to contemporary anthems. There is no audition for choir. The only requirement is enthusiastic singing and regular attendance at rehearsals and services. During the summer, members of the choir volunteer to sing solos or duets for the service. We tune our piano quarterly for choir use and, during the spring of 1997, installed a magnificent three-manual Allen organ. We greatly appreciate the contribution our music program makes to our worship. Greeters For Newcomers, beginning life in a congregation can sometimes be very unsettling. Our Greeters are individuals trained to help this experience be very pleasant. Greeters are trained to assist Newcomers in becoming acquainted with our worship services, to introduce them to our members, to familiarize them with our programs, to help them get started as members of our congregation, and even to assist them in beginning life in Lehigh Acres. Christian Education and Nursery We have a very active program of Christian Education for both children and adults. For children we offer a program which we call Saint Anselm's Ark. We have named children's Christian Education after Noah's ark because the ark was a safe place for Noah, his family, and the animals. Our Ark is a safe place for children where no violence, teasing, name-calling, or other unsafe behavior is allowed. The program presents activities based on stories from the Bible, seasons of the Christian year, or special events such as baptisms. The stories are generally told with three-dimensional action figures. Along with the stories, the program also includes a craft based upon the story and music. The children participate in the worship service and are treated as equal members of the congregation. Other Ark activities include a full summer program with a week-long vacation bible school session offered during the summer, participation in the worship services, and some Saturday or Wednesday evening activities. We also offer a nursery for our youngest members during our Saturday evening and 10:15 AM Sunday services, as well as our 9:15 AM Intergenerational Christian Ed. Our adult Christian Education consists of a Bible study program held each Thursday morning at 10:00 AM and an Intergenerational Christian Ed meeting every Sunday morning at 9:15 AM. This Intergenerational program discusses many subjects such as contemporary issues, Bible study, liturgical study, all from a christian point of view. In addition, special events are held throughout the year. We encourage new Christian Education activities, especially those led by lay persons. |